How Can Businesses Be Involved in Policymaking That May Impact Their Business

How Can Businesses Be Involved in Policymaking That May Impact Their Business

In recent years, the government has stepped up efforts to make policy formulation more transparent and to provide businesses with the opportunity to participate in the process
Elderly Care Across Asia Pacific

Elderly Care Across Asia Pacific

The rapidly ageing population in Asia Pacific is having profound social, economic, and political implications. In this article, we examine the level of maturation of elderly care regulations in some of the key markets across the region and highlight the concepts of “healthy ageing” and “silver dividend”, which are reframing attitudes toward elderly care and shifting the paradigm in approaching ageing population.
Ignore the Moral Panic and Embrace Fact-based AI Governance

Ignore the Moral Panic and Embrace Fact-based AI Governance

A close examination of the state of play of the AI policy landscape and what it takes to lay solid foundations for better AI governance.
Hong Kong’s post-COVID economic divergence and Singapore’s balanced act

Hong Kong’s Post-COVID Economic Divergence and Singapore’s Balanced Act

A close look at the Hong Kong's recent bilateral trade development and the implications to the businesses in Asia Pacific and beyond.
Seven from seven - impact of COVID-19 on communications

Seven from seven – impact of COVID-19 on communications

CEO Emma Smith was featured by SRI executive search and talent consulting firm its Seven from Seven commentary on the impact of COVID-19...
Today we celebrate International Women’s Day

Today we celebrate International Women’s Day

Today we celebrate International Women's Day, it’s a great day to celebrate the role of women within society and, importantly, to embrace...
Does business think Singapore is weathering the Covid-19 storm?

Does business think Singapore is weathering the Covid-19 storm?

“Business in Singapore has been affected by the Covid-19 virus outbreak but remains confident in Singapore as a major international business hub.
Measuring the business impact of COVID-19 on Singapore

Measuring the business impact of COVID-19 on Singapore

The American chamber of Commerce in partnership with Sandpiper Communications, today released the findings of our COVID-19 Business Impact...
Business Times - views from the top

Business Times – views from the top

Business Times – views from the top 18 February 2019 CEO Emma Smith was quoted in Singapore’s Business Times “Views from the Top” column on 17 […]
Combating the spread of misinformation about the coronavirus

Combating the spread of misinformation about the coronavirus

Over a month after it was first identified, the novel coronavirus remains front of mind, top of government agendas and on the front pages...