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Sandpiper Launches Voice Your Vision Pro-Bono Programme to Support Non-Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organisations in Asia Pacific
April 2023

18th April 2023, Asia Pacific – Sandpiper has announced the launch of its new, pro-bono ‘Voice Your Vision’ training programme for public representatives of Non-Governmental (“NGO”) and other Not-for-Profit (“NFP”) organisations across Asia Pacific.
The programme offers the opportunity for lead representatives of important but underrepresented issues across the region to access professional communications training and advice from Sandpiper’s consultants.
Delivered through a series of face-to-face group workshops, it will aim to better equip advocates to present and share their stories to key audiences and engage them with their cause.
The programme will commence from June 2023 and in its first year, Sandpiper will offer the training in ten locations around the Asia Pacific region in Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, with spaces available for over 500 participants in total.
It launches at a time when many NGOs and other NFPs are being negatively impacted by global economic conditions. The Doing Good Index for 2022 shows that almost half (47%) of over 2,300 social delivery organisations across 17 Asian markets have reported a decline in funding, with 75% experiencing a reduction of up to 50 percent.
Emma Smith, CEO, Sandpiper, said: “We are proud to launch this programme which enables us to give back at a time when non-governmental and other not-for-profit organisations and groups are experiencing reduced funding.
She continued, “With the growing complexity of the communications landscape it is increasingly difficult to gain attention and many advocates of important causes are struggling to have their messages heard. Through Voice Your Vision we hope to help participants to be better equipped to reach and engage more people.”
For more information, please contact:
Emma Smith, CEO
Emma. Smith@sandpipercomms.com
Kelly Johnston, COO