Trends Shaping ESG Communications in Asia Pacific

Sandpiper Communications Continues Greater China Expansion
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Sandpiper named as an agency to watch out for by PR Week in 2021

Sandpiper, Hope Communications, Manifest, Duo Studio, Companion Communications, and Citrine One have been named by PR Week as the 6 APAC agencies to watch out for in 2021
In just one year, Sandpiper Communications has grown rapidly as a reputed specialist in communications across the financial, technology, and healthcare industries, it is a promising player in a year of COVID-19 vaccine roll-outs. Saskia Kendall, who leads health comms for APAC, has a task ahead of her in this critical year. We’re excited to see how Sandpiper maneuverers current challenges, and to chart, its continued growth in the region.
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