- Regulates and supervises the banking and insurance sectors; ensures the legal and stable operation of banking and insurance institutions
- Conducts systematic research on reforms and supervisory effectiveness of the banking and insurance sectors; engages in strategic planning for financial reform and development, drafts laws and regulations for the banking and insurance sectors, and the establishment of a prudential regulation framework and financial consumer protection framework; formulates relevant rules and regulations as well as amendment
Contact Information:
- Tel: 010-66279113
- Addr: No. 15 A Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 100033
- Official Website: CN

- Li Yunze 李云泽, Commissioner, Secretary of Party Committee
- Cao Yu 曹宇, Vice Commissioner, Member of Party Committee
- Zhou Liang 周亮, Vice Commissioner, Member of Party Committee
- Wang Lujin 王陆进, Team Leader of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group, Member of Party Committee
- Xiao Yuanqi肖远企, Vice Commissioner, Member of Party Committee
- Cong Lin 丛林, Vice Commissioner, Member of Party Committee
Major Departments:
- Financial Inclusion Department普惠金融部
- Corporate Governance Supervision Department公司治理部
- Banking Institution Examination Bureau银行机构检查局
- Non-bank Financial Institution Examination Bureau非银检查局
- Major Risk Event and Case Resolution Bureau (Banking & Insurance Safety & Security Bureau) 风险处置局(安全保卫局)
- Financial Innovation Supervision Department创新部
- Financial Rights Protection Bureau消费者权益保护局
- Policy Bank Supervision Department政策银行部
- Large Commercial Bank Supervision Department大型银行部
- National Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Supervision Department股份制银行部
- City Commercial Bank Supervision Department城市银行部
- Rural Small & Medium-sized Banking Institution Supervision Department农村银行部
- International Cooperation & Foreign Institution Supervision Department (Office of Hong Kong, Macau & Taiwan Affairs) 国际部(港澳台办)
- Property and Casualty Insurance Supervision Department (Reinsurance Supervision Department) 财险部(再保部)
- Life Insurance Supervision Department人身险部
- Trust Institution Supervision Department信托部
- Other Non-bank Financial Institution Supervision Department非银部
Other Departments:
- General Office办公厅
- Policy Research Bureau政研局
- Law and Regulation Department法规部
- Statistics, IT & Risk Surveillance Department统信部
- Finance and Accounting Department (Solvency Regulation Department) 财会部(偿付能力部)
- Anti-Illegal Financial Activities Bureau打非局
- Insurance Intermediary Supervision Department中介部
- Insurance Fund Investment Supervision Department资金部
- Human Resources Department人事部
- CBIRC Headquarters CPC Party Affairs Department机关党委
Affiliated Institutes
- Headquarters Service Center 机关服务中心
- Training Center 培训中心