- Issues laws and regulations on statistical work, proposes plans for statistical modernization and nationwide statistical surveys; organizes and supervision statistical and economic accounting work in various localities and departments; and supervises and inspects the enforcement of statistical laws and regulations
- Supervises and improves the national economic accounting system and; to reviews and approves statistical standards proposed by other government departments; administers the national statistical survey projects, examines, approves and manages plans for statistical surveys proposed by other departments
- Implements major censuses; collects, processes and tabulates national economic, scientific and social data; provides statistical information and relevant proposals for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council and government departments
- Verifies, approves, administers, and publicizes national statistical data
- Manages and expands the national statistical information system and the national statistical database system; formulates basic standards and operational rules for statistical database networks in various localities and departments
- Manages directly-affiliated surveying agencies in various localities; manages operating expenses for statistical activities of local governments at and above the county level; manages local statistical directors and deputy directors; organizes and administers qualification examinations and the evaluates professional titles for statisticians

- Kang Yi 康义, Director-General, Secretary of Leading Party Group
- Mao Youfeng 毛有丰, Deputy Director-General, Member of Leading Party Group
- Sheng Laiyun 盛来运, Deputy Director-General, Member of Leading Party Group
- Lin Tao 蔺涛, Deputy Director-General, Member of Leading Party Group
- Mao Shengyong毛盛勇,Deputy Director-General, Member of Leading Party Group
Contact Information
- Tel: 010-68576320,010-68783311
- Fax: 68782004
- Addr: 57 Yuetan Nanjie Xicheng District, Beijing (100826)
- Link: CN EN
Major Departments:
- Administrative Office (Department of International Cooperation) 办公室(国际合作司、政策研究室)
- Department of Policies and Legislation 统计执法监督局
- Department of Statistical Design and Management 统计设计管理司
- Department of Trade and External Economic Relation Statistics 贸易外经统计司
- Department of Population and Employment Statistics 人口和就业统计司
- Department of Social, Technology, and Cultural Statistics 社会科技和文化产业统计司
Other Departments:
- Department of Comprehensive Statistics 国民经济综合统计司
- Department of National Accounts (Department of Service Statistics) 国民经济核算司(服务业统计司)
- Department of Industrial Statistics 工业统计司
- Department of Energy Statistics 能源统计司
- Department of Investment and Construction Statistics 固定资产投资统计司
- Department of Rural Surveys 农村社会经济调查司
Other Departments:
- Department of Comprehensive Statistics 国民经济综合统计司
- Department of National Accounts (Department of Service Statistics) 国民经济核算司(服务业统计司)
- Department of Industrial Statistics 工业统计司
- Department of Energy Statistics 能源统计司
- Department of Investment and Construction Statistics 固定资产投资统计司
- Department of Rural Surveys 农村社会经济调查司
- Department of Urban Surveys 城市社会经济调查司
- Department of Personnel 人事司
- Department of Finance 财务司
- Party Committee机关党委(机关纪委)
- Office of Retired Civil Servants 离退休干部局
Major Affiliated Institutes:
- Census Center 普查中心
- International Statistical Information Center 国际统计信息中心
- Statistical Education and Training Center (China International Statistical Training Center) 统计教育培训中心(中国国际统计培训中心)
Other Affiliated Institutes:
- Data Management Center 数据管理中心
- Service Survey Center 服务业调查中心
- Research Institute of Statistical Sciences 统计科学研究所
- Statistical Library and Information Services 统计资料管理中心
- Logistics and Service Center 机关服务中心
- China Statistical Information Services Center (Public Opinion Survey Center) 中国统计信息服务中心(国家统计局社情民意调查中心)
- China Economic Monitoring and Analysis Center 中国经济景气监测中心
- China Information News 中国信息报社
- Office for Statisticians of China 中国统计师事务所