- Leads trade in services related work; formulates development strategies, guidelines, policies and programs related to trade in services
- Formulates rules and regulations related to trade in services as well as programs and policies on service export promotion and organizes related implementation
- Responsible for the regulation of technology imports and exports nationwide
- Formulates policies and rules on trade in technology and catalogues of technology imports and exports, and organizes related implementation
- Monitors and manages technological imports and exports
- Records national statistics for trade in services
- Formulates rules and statistical records related to trade in services
- Collects, manages, analyzes and releases statistics on trade in services
- Promotes trade in services nationwide
- Constructs the promotion system for trade in services and the cultivation of service export brands, and builds public platforms for trade in services and organizes promotional activities
- Promotes export in the key fields of trade in services
- Coordinates with other ministries on trade in services and provides guidance to relevant industries and localities on services import and export
- Participates in multilateral and bilateral negotiations on trade in services
- Standardizes the market for trade in services and guides the building of a standardized system for trade in services
- Promotes and manages fairs and exhibitions
- Guides and manages international economic and technological exhibitions held both domestically and overseas as well as non-commercial exhibitions held overseas
- Formulates policies on the development of international freight forwarding
- Manages filing with international freight forwarding agents
- Participates in multilateral and bilateral negotiations on logistics and transportation agreements
- Formulates policies, regulations, plans, standards and rules for promoting service outsourcing and organizing its implementation
- Manages service outsourcing information nationwide and guides talent training on service outsourcing
- Guides and manages the construction of platforms such as service outsourcing base cities, model parks and key enterprises
- Administers commercial services industries, including catering and accommodation industries
- Undertakes other assignments as directed by Ministry leaders
- Chen Chunjiang 陈春江, Director
- Wang Dongtang 王东堂,Deputy Director
- Fan Shijie 樊世杰,Deputy Director
Contact Information
- Addr: No.2 Dong Chang’an Avenue,Beijing, P.R.China
- Zip code: 100731
- Tel: 86-10-65197355
- Fax:010-65197926