- Undertakes policy research on major issues. Coordinates with relevant parties on mid-to-long-term plans.
- Be responsible for overall planning and legislative work. Responsible for soliciting laws and regulations to develop legislative proposals
- Drafts relevant laws and administrative regulations
- Interprets administrative regulations and post-legislative evaluation. Responsible for the filing and review of local laws and regulations
- Drafts legal educational campaigns, enhances publicity campaigns
- Encourages the public to engage with the law
- Guides the selection of people’s jurors, and promotes the establishment of civil-judicial institutions
- Manages prisons nationwide, supervising and managing execution and sentencing
- Draws up plans and guides the construction of the public legal service system, coordinates and distributes urban and rural legal service resources
- Guides and supervises the management of lawyers, legal aid, judicial appraisal, notarization, arbitration, and grass-roots legal services
- Organizes the national unified legal professional qualification examination (bar exam)
- Enhances foreign cooperation, acts as external contact authority and participates in the negotiation of relevant international mutual legal assistance treaties
- Reviews the international treaty laws in China and submits them to the State Council for review

- He Rong 贺荣, Minister, Secretary of Leading Party Group
- Wang Yuwen 王裕文, Team Leader of Inspection and Supervision Group, Member of Leading Party Group
- Zuo Li 左力, Vice Minister, Member of Leading Party Group
- Zhao Changhua 赵昌华, Vice Minister, Member of Leading Party Group
- Wang Zhenjiang 王振江, Vice Minister, Member of Leading Party Group
- Hu Weilie 胡卫列, Vice Minister, Member of Leading Party Group
Contact Information:
- Tel:010-65153508,84772882
- E-mail:
- Addr: 6 Chaoyangmen South Street, Beijing, 100020
- Official Website:CN EN
Major Departments:
- Second Bureau of Legislation 立法二局
- Third Bureau of Legislation 立法三局
- Bureau of International Cooperation 国际合作局
Other Departments:
- Secretariat of the Office of the Commission for Overall Law-Based Governance of the CPC Central Committee 中央依法治国办秘书局
- General Office 办公厅
- Political Department 政治部
- Bureau of Rule of Law Research 法治调研局
- Bureau of Rule of Law Supervision 法治督察局
- First Bureau of Legislation 立法一局
- Fourth Bureau of Legislation 立法四局
- Bureau of Prison Administration 监狱管理局
- Bureau of Community Correction Administration 社区矫正管理局
- Bureau of Drug Rehabilitation Administration 戒毒管理局
- Bureau of Administrative Reconsideration and Response 行政复议与应诉局
- Administrative Law Enforcement Coordination and Supervision Bureau 行政执法协调监督局
- Bureau of Law Popularization and Rule of Law 普法与依法治理局
- Bureau of People’s Participation and Promotion of Rule of Law 人民参与和促进法治局
- Bureau of Public Legal Services Administration 公共法律服务管理局
- Bureau of Lawyers’ Work 律师工作局
- Bureau of Legal Professional Qualifications Administration 法律职业资格管理局
- Bureau of Equipment and Finance 装备财务保障局
- Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice 机关党委
- Bureau for Retired Personnel 离退休干部局
Affiliated Institutes:
- The Information Center 信息中心
- The Judicial Research Institute (Research Office) 法治宣传中心
- The Ministry Offices Service Center机关服务中心
- Yancheng Prison 燕城监狱
- The Legal Aid Center 法律援助中心
- The Administration of Affiliated Coal Mines直属煤矿管理局
- The Crime Prevention Research Institute预防犯罪研究所
- The All China Lawyers Association中华全国律师协会
- The China Notary Association中国公证协会
- The China Prison Association中国监狱工作协会
- The China Judicial and Administrative Drug Rehabilitation Association中国司法行政戒毒工作协会
- The National Police University for Criminal Justice中央司法警官学院
- The Judicial Administration College司法行政学院
- The National Judicial Examination Center国家司法考试中心
- The China Legal Aid Foundation中国法律援助基金会
- The Judicial Assistance Exchange Center司法协助交流中心
- The Academy of Forensic Science司法鉴定科学研究院
- Legal Daily法制日报社
- Law Press of China 法律出版社有限公司
- China Legal Publishing House中国法制出版社
- China Legal Service (Hong Kong) Co. 中国法律服务(香港)有限公司Ltd.,
- China Legal Service (Macao) Co., Ltd. 中国法律服务(澳门)公司
- Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Legal Training Exchange Center司法部港澳台法律培训交流中心
- China National Association of People’s Mediation Network 中华全国人民调解员协会